It all started with a dream!

About Us: Embark on a Fin-Tastic Adventure with Shark Yachts

Ahoy, fellow seafarers and aficionados of the open waters! Our story is a tale of chance encounters, boundless creativity, and the pursuit of aquatic excellence. Picture this: Two years ago, on a sun-drenched terrace, a ship engineer and a dreamer met over a cup of coffee and a shared passion for the sea. Little did they know that this seemingly ordinary rendezvous would set in motion a remarkable journey, culminating in the birth of Shark Yachts.

On that fateful day, a spark ignited between these two kindred spirits. What started as a casual conversation soon transformed into an ambitious vision to create something extraordinary—an exceptional motor boat that would redefine luxury and performance on the waves. And so, armed with determination and a touch of salty humor, they dove headfirst into the world of marine engineering.

Designing the impeccable vessel, christened the Shark GT48-CX, wasn't a mere project; it was an odyssey of dedication, research, and collaboration. Countless hours were spent refining every curve, every feature, and every detail to craft a masterpiece that would make Poseidon himself nod in approval. And of course, no expedition is complete without a few adventures of its own—enter the thrilling saga of interviews with potential customers. We listened, we learned, and we tailored every inch of our creation to their desires.

The culmination of these efforts is the Shark GT48-CX, a nautical marvel that's poised to make waves across the globe. With production in full swing, this masterpiece is scheduled to make its grand debut on the world stage by the end of 2023.

But wait, there's more! Our horizons stretch beyond the horizon. As we set sail on this exhilarating voyage, we're on the lookout for like-minded adventurers to join us as dealers. The Shark GT48-CX will be launched from our shipyards in the maritime havens of Poland and Portugal, ensuring that our aquatic marvels reach every corner of the world.

As for the future? Well, dear reader, it's as exciting as a map full of uncharted territories. Just as explorers like Columbus and Vasco da Gama ventured into the unknown, we too are explorers—pioneers with a dash of daring, a pinch of experience, and a boatload of motivation. The current may be unpredictable, but with our eyes fixed firmly on the horizon, we're already crafting the blueprint for the next sensational Shark yacht.

Whether you're a fellow sailor with a penchant for adventure or an entrepreneur seeking to align with a crew that's rewriting maritime history, we extend our invitation to you. Let's sail into the future together. If you've got the spirit of a sailor coursing through your veins, pick up that maritime phone and give us a call. Shark Yachts is more than a name; it's an invitation to embrace the sea and all the wonders it holds with open arms. So why wait? Let's make waves together!

Guy van Bogaert

David D’hooge

Owners: Flandria Yachts and Shark Yachts